Budget Films

Stock Footage

Austrian Men Coming Home

After Russia finally signs a peace treaty with Austria, Austrian prisoners of war return home ten years after the end of WW II. Touching shots of women crying, an old man staring in disbelief, a little boy reunited with his father and a woman being lifted up to the train window to give her sweetheart a kiss. Good shot of a man reaching down and taking hold of a woman's hand.

Duration43 sec
KeywordsEurope, Austria, crying, vintage, homecomings, lady, disbelief, returnint, WWII, soldier, coming home, hand, emotions, men, women, crowd, reunited, peace treaty, waving, cry, ladies, reunion, post-war, europe, child, soldiers, sad, holding, train, hands, emotion, female, emotional, happy, happiness, sadness, male, kid, World War 2, kiss, freedom, females, males, wwii, young, people, world war 2, boy