Budget Films

Stock Footage

King George VI Takes Throne

Shot shows George VI becoming king after the abdication of his brother. Archbishop of Canterbury holds up the crown and places it on the new king's head. The royal family, including the future Queen Elizabeth II appear on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. The young princess executes her trademark royal wave.

Duration1 min
DateMay 12 1937
Keywordsfamily, queen elizabeth, England, vintage, Princess Margaret, waves, buckingham palace, england, families, great Britain, crowd, waving, united kingdom, Archbishop of Canterbury, abdication, Crowd, Vintage, Ceremony, crowns, Family, ceremony, Royalty, Buckingham Palace, Queen Mother, abdicates, ceremonies, United Kingdom, Queen Elizabeth, king george vi, English, throne, royals, royalty, King George VI, princess margaret, coronation, queen mother, english, United kingdom, Buckingham palace, Great Britain, great britain