Budget Films

Stock Footage

King Urges Non-Violent Protest

At the beginning of the delayed Selma-to-Montgomery march, Martin Luther King calls on supporters to stay peaceful, tells nation justice is overdue. CU shows MLK talking into mike. Helmeted cops hold back a row of black and white protesters. Overhead shot shows marchers setting out after court order.

Duration50 sec
DateMarch 1965
KeywordsMLK, Selma-to-Montgomery, history, segregation, Martin Luther King, Famous, Civil Rights Movement, tactics, united states, South, united States, marches, alabama, United States, police, racism, protests, speeches, demonstration, leaders, marchers, Civil Rights movement, famous, demonstrators, Reverend Dr., martin luther king, selma, american, race, policemen, Southern, African American, african american, policeman, mlk, Selma, protester, marching, Alabama, United states, segregated, black & white, southern, civil rights movement, south, cops, History, nonviolence, American, Demonstration, Race, speaking