Budget Films

Stock Footage

Zapata & Villa Parade

Troops loyal to Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa enter Mexico City during the revolution. Great shots of men on horseback riding through city, a brass band, supporters waving from windows, crowded streets. One shot includes Villa and Zapata on horseback. A contingent of troops carries an image of the Virgin of Guadalupe.

Duration1 min, 7 sec
Keywordscapital, sombreros, animal, Crowd, band, Latin America, bands, Capital, revolutions, Political, crowd, Troops, horse, Hat, Mexico, hats, Mexico city, Politics, Mexico City, mexico city, animals, leaders, civil war, horseback, famous, Soldier, mexican, crowds, soldiers, troops, latin america, Horse, Emiliano Zapata, historic, history, flags, soldier, parade, Pancho Villa, capitals, politics, civil wars, parades, pancho villa, mexico, hat, horses, Civil War, political, revolutionaries, Mexican revolution, Crowds, History, revolutionary, Famous, Guadalupe, Virgin of Guadelupe, flag, Mexican, leader, Leader, sombrero