Budget Films

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Malcolm X Speaks Out

Malcolm X talks to a reporter for the first time at the end of a 90-day period when the Black Muslim leader had forbidden him to speak publicly. He talks about Muhammad Ali's affiliation with the Nation of Islam, then explains controversial remarks he made after JFK's death. He says why he doesn't believe progress has been made in race relations.

Duration2 min, 6 sec
Keywordsblack power, John F. Kennedy, vintage, united States, America, assassination, Muhammad Ali, united states, aftermath, interviews, black nationalism, blacks, Politics, Black Muslims, Civil Rights, leaders, america, United States, Speak, Political, soundbite, Leader, american, historic, statements, JFK, Cassius Clay, history, Blacks, black Muslims, john f. kennedy, Malcolm X, human rights, African American, african american, controversial, controversy, civil rights, politics, militants, United states, Nation of Islam, militant, speak, Vintage, radical, History, radicals, American, black muslims, role model, role models, political, leader, speaking, black liberation