Budget Films

Stock Footage

Xmas Reunions For Berliners

During Christmas, 1963, Communists permit West Berliners to visit relatives in the East for the first time since building The Wall. A sequence of shots shows people lining up outside with snow on the ground, waiting for passes from East German bureaucrats and passing through the border. Numerous shots of emotional Germans having reunions. Relatives run into each others' arms, exchange hugs and kisses.

Duration1 min, 32 sec
Keywordsvintage, families, reunited, reunions, reunion, children, child, Government, embracing, Germany, east germany, overcoat, west berlin, Communism, Communist, family, woman, bureaucrat, German, men, bureaucrats, east berlin, german, berlin, Berlin wall, crying, people, berlin wall, overcoats, embrace, city, urban, emotions, repression, sign, Cold War, happy, City, Christmas, man, separate, toddler, Children, Child, germans, cold war, line, hug, hugging, separation, Berlin, West Germany, west germany, emotion, emotional, happiness, women, queue, Germans, unhappy, history, Berliners, division, People, unhappiness, government, divided, Man, queues, American sector, Twentieth Century, cry, Vintage, sad, winter, Family, Woman, snow, twentieth century, human rights, sadness, weeping, weep, christmas, communism, East Berlin, lines, East Germany, West Berlin, germany, History, oppression, Berlin Wall, border, communist, Men