Budget Films

Stock Footage

Refugee Life In A School

Palestinian refugees from the Six Day War take shelter in a school in Amman. Moving shot shows room crowded with beds. Children stare at camera. A girl and a woman stir pots on portable stoves. CUs show faces of small children, families sitting idly. A man at a table distributes piles of pita. A little girl carries a way a pile. Shot shows the hands of an old woman as she accepts some bread. Her face shows worry.

Duration1 min, 23 sec
DateJune 1967
Keywordsfamily, Israel, vintage, Six Day War, Mideast, israel, camps, 6 Days War, food, schools, Arabs, Amman, suffering, mideast, Jordan, Palestine, aftermath, Jews, overcrowding, Six Days War, children, temporary, misery, shelter, palestine, jews, Middle Eastern, six days war, middle eastern, stoves, distribution, West Bank, Vintage, housing, Family, arabs, history, refugees, bread, 6 days war, Arab Israeli Conflict, meals, victims, overcrowded, faces, Jordan River, Palestinians, crowded, pita, Children, History, jordan, cooking, families, rations, 6 Day War