Budget Films

Stock Footage

Nixon's Farewell

Richard Nixon says good-bye to the White House staff. Long soundbites. Standing in front of helicopter on White House lawn, he waves farewell. David Eisenhower comforts his wife Julie Nixon Eisenhower. Helicopter takes off slowly and rises into sky. Gerald Ford, in voice over says, "Our long national nightmare is over."

Duration45 sec
DateAugust 9 1974
Keywordsfamily, farewells, vintage, watergate, goodbyes, helicopters, lawn, television, saluting, tv, Richard Nixon, Gerald ford, families, Watergate, scandals, goodbye, Television, American history, waving, presidency, East Room, crisis, Politics, american history, Washington DC, speeches, Washington dc, White House staff, gerald ford, only if you've been in the deepest valley, takes off, east room, soundtrack, Political, leaves, sad, soundbite, audio, Crisis, politician, Gerald Ford, emotions, white house, TV, emotional, Presidents, impeachments, richard nixon, sadness, I have never been a quitter, taking off, White House, politics, American History, resigning, televised, Presidency, Family, leaving, David Eisenhower, presidents, salutes, political, washington DC, our long national nightmare is over, Vintage, takeoffs, washington dc, resigns, resignations, Julie Nixon Eisenhower, daughters, Politician, departures, departing, speaking