Budget Films

Stock Footage

Host Introduces Film

At the start of a film about African Americans in the American economy, the host smokes a cigarette and mentions the tobacco company that underwrote the film. The host introduces two guests, an African-American businessman and Willard S. Townsend, a prominent labor leader.

Duration1 min, 24 sec
KeywordsUnited Transport Services Employees, vintage, industry, cigarette, Race, economy, Industry, race, racial, leaders, chesterfield, sell, employment, Vintage, commerical, Smoking, selling, commercials, smokers, promotional, promoting, advertising, tobacco, smoker, African American, african american, promotion, Chesterfield, smoking, Willard S. Townsend, product placement, Liggett and Meyers, sponsorship, sponsorships, Chesterfields, labor leaders, leader, Leader