Budget Films

Stock Footage

During the Boycott

During the Montgomery Bus Boycott, various shots show African Americans using a taxi instead of the bus. Still shots show the determined faces of people particpating in the boycott.

Duration33 sec
Keywordsvintage, MLK, protest, history, American History, Civil Rights Movement, passenger, united states, united States, alabama, cities, American history, United States, taxis, racism, american history, segregated, South, leaders, bus boycott, city, cabs, Civil Rights movement, famous, Vintage, Reverend Dr., rider, american, Montgomery, race, segregation, Southern, protests, Martin Luther King Jr., african american, civil rights movement, mlk, taxi, African American, riders, Alabama, United states, cab, African American history, black & white, southern, south, montgomery, City, martin luther king jr., History, Protest, American, Race, Famous