Budget Films

Stock Footage


A brief clip of a bird sanctuary in Australia. Several LSs of flocks of birds covering the sky and quite a few CUs of the birds on branches, on the arms and head of a naturalist with a large adam's apple and with a child. In addition there are two CUs of birds eating out of a hand and a dish.

Duration1 min, 4 sec
Keywordsvintage, Hand, animal, dish, flocks, bird sanctuary, appealing, eating, Flight, hand, Fly, eat, flight, Male, Boy, branches, Nature, flying, Man, Australia, child, sky, Feed, birds, children, bird, branch, feed, australia, palm, feeding, fly, smile, smiling, twentieth century, happy, Adam's apple, Child, 20th century, man, male, Bird, People, Children, Sky, people, nature, naturalist, boy, Eat