Budget Films

Stock Footage

Truman Defeats Dewey In Upset

Thomas E. Dewey and Harry S. Truman campaign for the presidency at crowded rallies and in motorcade parades in 1948. Each candidate casts his vote. Truman smiles after winning upset victory. Text of speech printed on-screen to accompany audio.

Duration1 min, 30 sec
DateNovember 2 1948
Keywordsvintage, upset, Politician, new york, transportation, Politics, President Truman, rally, Political, campaign rally, Governor, capitol, polling places, Speech, Rally, parade, microphone, campaign, President Harry S. Truman, subtitle, independence missouri, margaret truman, presidential election, campaigning, Thomas E. Dewey, Frances Dewey, fathers, Capitol, speech, President, woman, Capital, smile, crowds, elect, traffic, car, New York City, news, Governor Thomas E. Dewey, man, male, ballot, new york city, Vintage, washington dc, Harry S. Truman, Car, harry s. truman, motorcade, newsreel, capital, election day, president, historic, politician, history, female, vote, voting, politics, ballot boxes, governor, election, daughters, political, independence, Independence, Female, Male, Man, News, Transportation, New York, Woman, wives, president truman, historical, cast, washington DC, defeat, History, Campaign, presidential, Crowds, wife