Budget Films

Stock Footage

Demonstrations Across The World

A year-end newsreel rounds up the year's communist demonstrations. In Berlin students march with flags and banners. A large church dominates the scene. In France, shots of bayonets, barbed wire and artillery as leftists interfere with aid shipments. Students clash with police and U.S. military in Tokyo. Good shots of cops with nightsticks, helmeted officers subduing crowd.

Duration38 sec
KeywordsEurope, europe, vintage, Tokyo, artillery, weapons, police, protests, newsreels, tanks, demonstration, japan, crowds, demonstrators, berlin, historic, politician, history, crowd control, France, title, twentieth century, Germany, weapon, 20th century, Japan, politics, protestors, Berlin, riots, communism, barbed wire, billy clubs, demonstraton, nightsticks, portesters, germany, Communism, news, communist, france, Communist