Budget Films

Stock Footage

Villa Cries At Madero Ceremony

Pancho Villa weeps into a handkerchief during a ceremony in honor of assassinated President Francisco Madero. Onlookers watch Villa, including a woman who claps, seemingly at his display of emotion. In another shot Villa stands next to a large portrait of Madero.

Duration26 sec
Keywordscivil wars, portraits, Latin America, revolutions, portrait, cry, Politics, handkerchiefs, Portrait, president, crying, leaders, civil war, Mexico, famous, Political, latin america, sad, Ceremony, historic, mourners, history, emotions, ceremony, mourning, emotional, Presidents, ceremonies, politics, weeping, weep, handkerchief, mexican, Francisco Madero, Pancho Villa, Civil War, presidents, Mexican, revolutionaries, Mexican revolution, History, revolutionary, Famous, President, mexico, political, leader, Leader, pancho villa