Budget Films

Stock Footage

D-Day Invaders

Gripping War Department footage from the D-Day invasion shows troops taking the beach at Normandy. Loaded down infantry men move in front of lens. One gritty shot shows a tough GI on beach, his head half out of frame, cigarette in mouth. Two soldiers guard a Nazi POW. Artillery sits ready to fire.

Duration28 sec
DateJune 6 1944
KeywordsEurope, europe, vintage, prisoner, artillery, beachead, combat, hero, German, battle, men, great Britain, battlefield, beach head, uk, United States, Man, infantry, heroism, POW, beach, prisoner of war, pow, german, Prisoner of War, world war 2, american, historic, gi, history, France, twentieth century, Army, army, Germany, invade, conflict, france, 20th century, man, war, invasion, GI, United states, Normandy, World War 2, wwII, UK, D-Day, WWII, brave, wwii, germany, Great Britain, American, amphibious, united states, Men, d-day, great britain