Budget Films

Stock Footage

Coming Ashore At Normandy

Dramatic footage of the Allied invasion of Normandy. Only the upper parts of their bodies are seen as troops wade through water before landing. Crowded troop ships. A ruined house on the beach. Nazi prisoners raise their hands in surrender.

Duration1 min, 2 sec
DateJune 6 1944
KeywordsEurope, europe, brave, vintage, great Britain, prisoner, beachead, combat, hero, German, battle, men, surrender, battlefield, beach head, uk, troop ship, United States, Man, infantry, heroism, POW, beach, prisoner of war, pow, german, Prisoner of War, world war 2, american, historic, gi, history, France, United states, twentieth century, Army, army, Germany, invade, conflict, france, 20th century, wading, man, war, invasion, GI, landing, wade, Normandy, World War 2, wwII, UK, D-Day, WWII, tank, wwii, germany, Great Britain, American, Tank, amphibious, united states, Men, d-day, great britain